Layer Masks Basics
Blend Modes
Complex Selections
Non-destructive Editing

Layer Masks Basics

Creating and Using Layer Masks

  1. Right-click layer → Add Layer Mask
  2. Choose initialization options (White/Black)
  3. Paint with black to hide, white to reveal
  4. Use gray values for partial transparency

Pro Tip

Use the gradient tool on layer masks for smooth transitions between hidden and visible areas.

Working with Blend Modes


Perfect for shadows and darkening


Ideal for highlights and lightening


Enhances contrast while preserving colors

Making Complex Selections

Advanced Selection Tools

  • Fuzzy Select Tool (Magic Wand)
  • Select by Color
  • Intelligent Scissors
  • Paths Tool

Non-destructive Editing

Best Practices

  • Always work with layer masks instead of erasing
  • Use adjustment layers for color corrections
  • Keep original layers intact
  • Use groups to organize related layers